Appeton Wellness 60+ is rich in macronutrients including carbohydrate, protein, and fat, and it helps seniors maintain a healthy nutritional status. The energy distribution is based on the United States Dietary Reference Intake (US DRI) for the elderly, while the fat profile follows the recommendations of the American Heart Association’s Nutrition Committee.
Clinically proven to:
-Improve nutritional status
-Improve overall nutrient intake
-Improve appetite
-Reduce risk of protein-energy malnutrition
-Reduce risk of nutrition related anemia
Add 5 levelled scoops to 200 mL of warm water. Use the scoop provided in the tin.
Take 2-3 servings per day. (Follow physician’s and dietician’s directions.)
Refer to the packaging.
Not for parenteral use.
Opened tin should be covered and stored in cool, dry place but not refrigerated. After first opening, recommended to use contents within 1 month.
Contains Vit K, people taking warfarin shall seek medical advice before consuming this product.
QM Pharmacy Sdn Bhd (1514062-U)